Reps will receive their entire senior session for free, a $200 value, with the disk of at least 20 images in full print resolution, able to print however and wherever you like.
Reps will also receive their own "senior cards" with their image to hand out.
At the end of the school year, the rep with the most referrals will earn a $500 college scholarship.
2nd and 3rd place winners will receive a Target gift card, $25 per referral up to $200 to help with school supplies, dorm decoration and that important freshman year wardrobe.
If interested, send me an email with a picture and a quick explanation about why you would be a great Model Rep for Thurston Photographs. ejtcat(at)hotmail.com
Can't wait to hear from you!!
Here's the fine print:
**Once selected, senior reps need to have their photo session complete ASAP, preferably during the month of July.
**At least one Model Rep will be accepted per high school. One female and one male, maximum.
**First place winner needs to refer at least 3 clients in order to receive the full $500 scholarship. If winner refers less than 3 clients, they will receive the Target gift card, $25 per referral same as the 2nd and 3rd place winners.
**Contest begins as soon as rep is accepted and announced. Contest ends May 31, 2012. Check and gift cards will be given by June 30, 2012. Share10
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