05 March 2015


A time comes for every creative person when they just get burnt.  And when that happens in the middle of a busy season, with paying clients, that's a recipe for disaster.  And why am I even telling you this??  You, my potential clients?!

Because it's part of my decision to get real.  And real in the middle of fall family picture season, is real burnt.  My creative side can just get fried and then I'm not doing anyone any good at all.  Not myself, not my family, and certainly not you, my clients!

The solution hit me like a brick wall.  Do the most fun photo shoot I could imagine.  With people I love.  But don't let them pay me so I get to tell them where and when and how to dress and what the theme is.  They loved it!  No decisions, just show up.  I loved it!  I could act like a crazy fool and it was so fun!

From start to finish, it took maybe 30 minutes.  The kids were into it the whole time, we laughed every 30 seconds, and even the teenagers had fun.  Hello?!

And it was just what I needed.  It was like nothing I usually do so it felt fun and fresh and totally without expectations.  The whole goal was to fall in love with photographing families again and I did!

Thank you Freedle Family!  You're my heroes!!

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