03 September 2013

Published? Check!

I am so excited to check one thing off my bucket list this year.  I have been published in Denim & Grace magazine.  It's a publication for other photographers, and frankly pretty small.  Also, mine is one of the "filler" images, used in between the real articles about much better photographers than me. 

But I was included nonetheless, and I'm pretty dang excited!  My name is up there with Freshly Wed and Lisa Holloway, see?!

What image was it, you ask?  Pretty much my best photo of my entire year. 

Thank you so much Palfreeman family.  You brought the magic and you made my year a success! 


  1. I am so happy, proud, excited, THRILLED for you!!! Congratulations. No one deserves it more!!!!

  2. That's awesome! Congratulations! It's a beautiful photo, too!

  3. Best news! Love that picture & all your work! Way to go girlie!
